Wednesday, September 19, 2007

And so we begin the journey

I am sitting here thinking about what I've read in this class so far, and I am taken aback. I have already learned more than I expected! It is so interesting to see a culture that has been just so much a mystery to me. My "Culture Experience" with the Middle-East/Turkey has been movies and fictional books about a mysterious culture with startlingly barbaric rituals and ways of life. I read Armstrong and turn of the century accounts of travels and realize that, though there is some degree of barbarism, it's not nearly what they portray in pop culture formats. There is a simplistic beauty to the culture, with intricate rituals and strong beliefs. They are a strong-willed people with determination like no other for the simple right to survive as they see fit. I hope that, throughout this semester, I continue to learn about this culture and see who they are in a way that is fair representation. I hope that each adventure is more exciting, more transformative, and open my eyes more to the people I have never hoped to know. I am increasingly glad that I elected to attend this class and am looking forward to learning more.


Krista Heiser said...

I know what you mean. I didn't really know anything about Islam, Muslims, or their culture before this class.

Mary Jo Kietzman said...

First off -- I like your blog format; it looks like an old book.

I am so glad to hear that you feel you are learning about the culture through the travel literature. Believe me, it gets better and better; and hopefully, students will feel increasingly comfortable to share their own experiences of travel, of understanding our current crises involving the Middle East, and of the cultures of this part of the world. Having spent a year in central Turkey, I am really glad that you feel able to appreciate a people and way of life that I fell in love with. I haven't felt too comfortable speaking personally yet, but maybe that will come.

Glad to hear that you are learning and enjoying.

Mary Jo