Monday, October 15, 2007

A Different Point of View

I have just finished reading Bell's first two chapters and biography regarding her travels in the Middle East. I really enjoy her form of writing. It is entertaining, descriptive and informative all at the same time. When I printed out the selection, I was thinking that it was going to be a lot of reading, ick. Then, I started reading. Her flowy and descriptive writing style sucked me right into her story and it felt as if I was sitting around the fire in the cave with her and the men, discussing the weather and gossip of the day. She really is engaging and entertaining. I love her detailed descriptions of the ruins and other structures that she encounters. At this point, you don't see so much of her tragic love story shining through, but you certainly see her intellect and love of exploring places she has never been before. So far, I am really enjoying this author. It is also interesting to see the subtle differences in descriptions and opinions from the turn of the century versus victorian writing. Though Bell is extremely detailed and engaging, it doesn't seem to be infused with so much grandeur like her Victorian counterparts. Bell seems to focus more on practicalities, architecture and history, rather than the "quaintness" of the mysterious culture surrounding her. Though she does comment on different qualities and rituals of the culture, she doesn't seem to be so in awe of it. She seems more interested as a third party historical witness, than an interpreter of culture. The difference really is interesting to see. The discussion this evening should be really interesting.

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